Plucked: The Lyre of Orpheus
1:00 PM13:00

Plucked: The Lyre of Orpheus

Plucked: The Lyre of Orpheus

Melba Hall Lunch Hour Concert Series presented by the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music

Hannah Lane – Italian Baroque triple harp
Nicholas Pollock – theorbo

A musical icon of ancient Greece, the demigod Orpheus had the ability to charm wild animals with his magical lyre. His story illuminates the divine power of music and was destined to inspire groundbreaking works, such as those that came out of 17th-century Italy. Throughout the courts of the Italian Peninsula, virtuoso musicians used newly invented plucked string instruments to evoke the power of Orpheus’s lyre and bewitch their audiences with an innovative style of music and playing. Immerse yourself in the sensual sounds of early plucked strings, as Ensemble 642 perform spellbinding music by some of the most pioneering composers of the early Baroque including Kapsberger, Castaldi and Frescobaldi, in its most intimate duo setting.

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La Suave Melodia
10:00 AM10:00

La Suave Melodia

La Suave Melodia

Presented by the 2024 Organs of the Ballarat Goldfields Festival

Performance 1: 10:00am–11.00am
Performance 2: 12:00pm–1.00pm

Jamie Hey – Baroque cello
Hannah Lane – Italian Baroque triple harp
Nicholas Pollock – theorbo
Timothy Willis – Baroque violin

The rich sonorities of bowed and plucked strings unite in a dance of light and shadow for this program exploring the birth of instrumental virtuosity in Baroque Italy.

Ensemble 642 are joined by two of Australia's finest baroque string players, cellist Jamie Hey and violinist Tim Willis, for a journey through some of the most beautiful and innovative instrumental music from the Baroque era. Music by Stradella, Fontana, Marini, and de Selma.

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8:00 PM20:00


Ensemble 642 performs at Tempo Rubato, Melbourne’s iconic classical music venue and bar.

Tickets available to purchase online here or on the door at Tempo Rubato prior to the performance.

Hannah Lane – Italian Baroque triple harp
Nicholas Pollock – Baroque guitar, theorbo


Spritz/Sprezz: A 17th Century Playlist

Lucas Ruiz de Ribayaz y Fonseca (1626-after 1677) 

François Le Cocq (fl. 1685-1729) 

Lucas Ruiz de Ribayaz y Fonseca

Antonio de Cabezón (1510–1566)
Ancor che col partire 

Andrea Falconieri (1585 or 1586–1656)
La suave melodia y su corrente

Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (c.1580-1651)
Tenore del Kapsperger

Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (c.1580-1651)
Canzone Prima


Anonymous, 17th century
Toccata, MS Doria Pamphilj

Luigi Rossi (c.1597-1653)
Passacaille del seigneur Luigi

Anonymous, 17th century
Tenor di Napoli, MS Doria Pamphilj

Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (c.1580-1651)
Toccata arpeggiata

Bellerofonte Castaldi (1580–1649)
Capriccio detto hermafrodito
Capriccio detto bischizzoso
Mascherina canzone

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Between Earth and Sky
7:00 PM19:00

Between Earth and Sky

Between Earth and Sky


Jacob Lawrence – tenor
Hannah Lane – Italian Baroque triple harp
Nicholas Pollock – theorbo


Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643)
‘Voi partite mio sole’ from Arie Musicali (Florence, 1630)


Giulio Caccini (1551-1618)
‘Torna, deh torna from Nuove musiche e nuova maniera di scriverle (Florence, 1614)

Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger (1580—1651)
Tenore del Kapsberger from Libro primo d'intavolatura di chitarrone (Rome, 1604)

Girolamo Frescobaldi
Aria di Ruggiero - Ti lascio anima mia from Arie Musicali

Bellerofonte Castaldi (1580–1649)
Capriccio detto hermafrodito from Capricci a due stromenti (Modena, 1622)


G. B. Bovicelli (c.1550-c.1594)  after Cipriano de Rore (c.1515-1565)
‘Angelus ad Pastores ait’ from Regole, passaggi di musica (Venice, 1594)  

Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (1580—1651)
Passeggiato a 4 - ‘Ancidetemi pur’ from Libro terzo d'intavolatura di chitarrone (Rome, 1626)

Ave Maris stella per le feste della Madonna from Codex Chigi (Rome: 17th century)

Chiara Margarita Cozzolani (1602-c.1686)
O Maria, tu dulcis’ from Concerti Sacri (Venice, 1642)


Ascanio Mayone  (ca. 1565—1627)
Recercar sopra il Canto Fermo di Costantio Festa, & per sonar all'Arpa from Secondo libro di diversi capricci per sonare (Naples, 1609)

Girolamo Frescobaldi 
Sonetto Spirituale - ‘Dove, dove signor’ from Arie Musicali

Francesco Usper (1561-1641)
‘Vulnerasti cor meum’ from Ghirlanda Sacra (Venice, 1625)

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La Suave Melodia
6:00 PM18:00

La Suave Melodia

La Suave Melodia

Jamie Hey – Baroque cello
Hannah Lane – Italian Baroque triple harp
Nicholas Pollock – theorbo
Timothy Willis – Baroque violin


Giovanni Battista Fontana (1589–1630)
Sonata Nona

Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583–1643)
Se l'aura spira tutta vezzosa

Alessandro Piccinini (1566–1638)
Toccata VI

Bartolomé de Selma y Salaverde (c. 1595–after 1638)
Canzon Prima a doi: Basso e Soprano, No.11

Antonio de Cabezón (1510–1566)
Ancor che col partire 

Andrea Falconieri (1585 or 1586–1656)
La suave melodia y su corrente

Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (1580–1651)
Toccata arpeggiata

Biagio Marini (1594–1663)
Sonata à 2: Basso è Violino ò Cornetto

Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (1580–1651)
Toccata prima

Alessandro Stradella (1639–1682)
Sonata a violino solo e basso

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The Art of Melancholy
6:00 PM18:00

The Art of Melancholy

The Art of Melancholy

David Greco – baritone
Hannah Lane – Italian Baroque triple harp
Nicholas Pollock – archlute and theorbo


Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Musick for a While

John Dowland (1563-1626)
Burst forth, my tears
Lachrimae Pavan
Now, O now, I needs must part

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
O Solitude, my sweetest choice
Ground in D minor

Nicholas Lanier (1588-1666)
Weep no more my wearied eyes
No more shall meads be deck'd with flow'rs (Love's constancy)

Thomas Robinson (c. 1560-1610)
Twenty Waies upon the Bells
A Plaine song for two lutes
Passemezzo Galliard

John Dowland (1563-1626)
Can she excuse my wrongs?

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Plucked: The Lyre of Orpheus
6:00 PM18:00

Plucked: The Lyre of Orpheus

Plucked: The Lyre of Orpheus

Hannah Lane – Italian Baroque triple harp
Nicholas Pollock – theorbo


Bellerofonte Castaldi (1580–1649)
Capriccio detto hermafrodito
Capriccio detto bischizzoso
Mascherina canzone

Luigi Rossi (c.1597-1653)
Passacaille del seigneur Luigi

Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (c.1580-1651)
Tenore del Kapsperger
Canzone Prima

Alessandro Piccinini (1566–c.1638)
Partite variate sopra la folia aria Romanesca

Anonymous, 17th century
Tenor di Napoli, MS Doria Pamphilj

Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583–1643)
Partite sopra Ciaccona

Tarquinio Merula (1595-1665)
Canzone No.17 ‘La Monteverde’

Bellerofonte Castaldi
Tasteggio soave

Anonymous, 17th century
Toccata, MS Doria Pamphilj

Girolamo Frescobaldi
Toccate Tertii Toni

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Ensemble 642 at Play On
8:00 PM20:00

Ensemble 642 at Play On

Play On at Collingwood Yards
Baroque specialists Ensemble 642 present a program exploring the spritzy Mediterranean sounds of music from Italy and Spain in the late-16th to early-17th centuries before Cool Room Creative Director and musical pathfinder, Anuraag, plays the closing set. 

Hannah Lane – Italian Baroque triple harp
Nicholas Pollock – theorbo and Baroque guitar

Read Play On's ‘Musicians at Home’ interview with Ensemble 642 here 

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The Theatre of the Soul
6:00 PM18:00

The Theatre of the Soul

  • Melbourne Recital Centre, Primrose Potter Salon (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Theatre of the Soul: Music from the Birth of Opera

Roberta Diamond - soprano
Jacob Lawrence - tenor
Hannah Lane - Italian triple harp
Nicholas Pollock - theorbo, baroque guitar
Laura Vaughan - viola da gamba, lirone


Prologo (Prologue)

FRANCESCO CAVALLI (1602-1676) Prologue from L’Ormindo 

Terra (Earth) 

GIOVANNI GIROLAMO KAPSPERGER (1580-1651) Toccata No.3, libro terzo 

CLAUDIO MONTEVERDI (1567-1643) Duri e penosi from Il ritorno di Ullisse in patria 

Inferno (Hell) 


CLAUDIO MONTEVERDI (1567-1643) Scorto da te, mio nume from L’Orfeo: favola in musica 

MARCO MARAZZOLI (1602-1662) Speranze, e che farete?

Cielo (Heaven) 

BELLEROFONTE CASTALDI (1581- 1649) Mascherina Canzone 

GIULIO CACCINI (1551-1618) Io che dal Ciel cader 

EMILIO DE CAVALIERI (1550-1602) & ANTONIO ARCHILEI (1545-1612) Dalle più alte sfere

EMILIO DE CAVALIERI (1550-1602) Godi turba mortal 

GIOVANNI DE MACQUE (ca.1550-1614) Seconde Stravaganze 


CLAUDIO MONTEVERDI (1567-1643) Pur ti miro from L’incoronazione di Poppea

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Lawes Harp Consorts
8:00 PM20:00

Lawes Harp Consorts

Named the “Father of Musick” by the King of England, William Lawes (1602-1645) stands as one of the most inventive English composers of the 17th century. For this concert we are thrilled to be joining the brilliant ARIA-nominated baroque ensemble Latitude 37 to present some of Lawes’ most exquisite and yet rarely performed works in this concert of Lawes’ Harp Consorts.

Featuring a unique combination of harp, bass viol, violin and theorbo, Lawes’ works for this blend of instruments results a wonderful musical interplay between these unusual instruments. The two plucked and two bowed instruments together create a special soundscape, with each instrument having its own independent part in a delicately balanced texture.

Purchase tickets here

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Baroque in Love
3:00 PM15:00

Baroque in Love

The fundamental human experience of romantic love provided inspiration for some of the most exquisite music of the baroque era. We're joined by the award-winning young countertenor Nicholas Tolputt for a journey through baroque love song from Caccini and Monteverdi to Purcell and Handel.  

3pm, Sunday 25 June 2017
St Martin de Porres
158 Military Rd,Avondale Heights
*Free* Event

Presented as part of the Winter Music in the Valley concert series

Hannah Lane - Italian triple harp
Nicholas Pollock - theorbo and baroque guitar
Nicholas Tolputt - countertenor

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The Theater of Music
7:00 PM19:00

The Theater of Music

We're delighted to welcome the London-based Australian tenor Daniel Thomson for a performance of our English baroque program, which explores the weird and wonderful world of English music in the seventeenth century. From the sublime to the downright silly, songs by John Blow, Nicholas Lanier, Henry Lawes and Henry Purcell celebrate the colour and playfulness of the English language. The lyricism and vocality of the bowed strings of Laura Moore (viol) and Elizabeth Welsh (baroque violin) combine with the plucked sonorities of the triple harp and theorbo of Ensemble 642 to illuminate the quirky counterpoint and ravishing textures in consort music by Matthew Locke and the English 'Father of Musick' William Lawes. 

Hannah Lane - triple harp
Nicholas Pollock - theorbo, lute, baroque guitar
Daniel Thomson - tenor
Laura Moore - viol
Elizabeth Welsh - baroque violin

Book tickets via Trybooking



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And the light shines through darkness
7:00 PM19:00

And the light shines through darkness

We're excited to be joining Melbourne's newest early music duo, Harken Well (Laura Moore, gamba and Lizzy Welsh, baroque violin),  for their debut concert, which features Germanic music from the 17th century, including works by Schmelzer, Buxtehude, Erlebach and Capricornus. 

7pm, Friday 2 June 2017
The Church of All Nations, 180 Palmerston St, Carlton
Tickets: $30/$20 available at the door

Laura Moore - viola da gamba
Lizzy Welsh - baroque violin
Hannah Lane - triple harp
Nicholas Pollock - theorbo
Ellie Walker - baroque cello

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Song of Songs
7:00 PM19:00

Song of Songs

Ego flos campi et lilium convallium...
I am the flower of the field, and the lily of the valleys.
I sat down under the shadow of him whom I desired, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
Surround me with flowers, strengthen me with apples, because I languish with love.

Erotic, ecstatic, complex, and beguiling in their profound beauty, the collection of poems from the Hebrew Bible known as the Song of Songs have inspired composers throughout the ages. For this program we welcome a new collaborator, soprano Roberta Diamond, to explore the exquisite Italian baroque settings of these striking texts. Featuring music by Monteverdi, Cima, Kapsperger, and the Australian premiere performance of excerpts from the recently discovered ‘Di Carlo G.’ Manuscript.

Hannah Lane - Italian triple harp
Nicholas Pollock - theorbo
Roberta Diamond - soprano

Complimetary wine provided by Hurley Vineyard

Book tickets via Trybooking

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Song of Songs
5:00 PM17:00

Song of Songs

Ego flos campi et lilium convallium...
I am the flower of the field, and the lily of the valleys.
I sat down under the shadow of him whom I desired, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
Surround me with flowers, strengthen with apples, because I languish with love.

Erotic, ecstatic, complex, and beguiling in their profound beauty, the collection of poems from the Hebrew Bible known as the Song of Songs have inspired composers throughout the ages. For this program we welcome a new collaborator, soprano Roberta Diamond, to explore the exquisite Italian baroque settings of these striking texts. Featuring music by Monteverdi, Cima, Kapsperger, and the Australian premiere performance of excerpts from the recently discovered ‘Di Carlo G.’ Manuscript. 

Hannah Lane - Italian triple harp
Nicholas Pollock - theorbo
Roberta Diamond - soprano

Presented by Music at the Basilica as part of their 9th Annual Sacred Music Festival
Book tickets via Trybooking

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The Agony of Hell and the Peace of Soul
8:00 PM20:00

The Agony of Hell and the Peace of Soul

We're joining a fabulous band comprised of some of Australia's leading early music specialists and the renowned Melbourne-based vocal consort e21 for an exquisite program of polychoral music by Monteverdi, Gabrieli and Schütz at the closing night of the Organs of the Ballarat Goldfields Festival. 

For further details or to purchase tickets see Facebook or the festival website

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Cantate Amorose
6:00 PM18:00

Cantate Amorose

Sexy, smitten, bitter, cheeky, beautiful and passionate, the love songs of seventeenth-century composer Barbara Strozzi speak to us across the centuries.

Join us in the rustic surrounds of the barrel room at Hurley Vineyard as we explore the pleasures and pains of love through one of Italy’s lesser known but most fascinating and prolific composers.

Ensemble 642 with Karen Fitz-Gibbon, soprano

Presented as part of the 2017 Peninsula Summer Music Festival. Purchase tickets here

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Flames Within
6:00 PM18:00

Flames Within

The Consort of Melbourne and Ensemble 642

Works by Monteverdi, Gesualdo, Orlande de Lassus and many more. 

The image of fire as an allegory for human passion appears throughout literary history, giving birth to a vast and diverse repertoire of fiery vocal music. Flames Within is an exploration of this repertoire, centred around the explosive madrigals of Monteverdi, Gesualdo and Orlande de Lassus, and reaching back as far as the chants of Hildegard von Bingen and forward as far as Australian composers Nigel Butterley and Peter Sculthorpe.

My heart burns and the fire is so sweet 
That it lives in the blaze,
And thus dies joyfully.
- Anonymous poet, featured in Gesualdo’s Ardo il mio cor.


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Klagelieder: Lamentations for Holy Week
1:00 PM13:00

Klagelieder: Lamentations for Holy Week

Sacred vocal and instrumental music of lament, atonement and repentance from seventeenth-century Germany, including works by Schütz, Buxtehude, Erlebach, and Schmelzer. 

Ensemble 642 and guests: 

Hannah Lane - Italian triple harp
Jacob Lawrence - tenor
David Macfarlane- organ
Nicholas Pollock - theorbo, lute
Ruth Wilkinson - violone, viola da gamba
Elizabeth Welsh - baroque violin
Emma Williams - baroque violin

*Free event*


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